Healthy flooring
materials e-course

A self-paced online program to help you understand the health and environmental impacts of flooring materials.


How would it feel to make informed & empowered flooring material selections, without having to take on endless hours of research yourself?

Flooring materials and finishes are a significant source of off-gassing of Volatile Organic Compounds like formaldehyde, that are known carcinogens and contribute to a wild range of health and environmental problems. 

Did you know:

  • Some materials suppliers make claims like 'Low VOC' and 'Low formaldehyde emissions' but don't have readily available information to back up their claims.

  • Products imported from overseas may be fumigated by customs upon arrival into Australia. 

  • Certain floor materials can contribute to high moisture levels, condensation & mould, while others may impact the electro-climate and ion balance in the home. 

    This course has been created to help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of 17 subfloor and flooring materials (including wet areas), how to mitigate or reduce potential health risks, and which are the healthiest choices. 


Zara D'Cotta, Building Biology New Build Consultant and founder of The Healthy Home, learned first hand about the detrimental impact toxic building materials can have on our health after going through cancer and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. 

After 5 years on the move, from one water damaged building to the next, Zara was disillusioned when she moved into a brand new home, only to suffer stinging eyes, rash and nausea in the first few months, due to high levels of VOCs.

 It was at this point Zara decided she needed to study building materials and healthy home design, and she's been on a mission to help home owners make informed building material choices ever since.

Zara is a Keynote Speaker, and Bupa Health Influencer Awards Finalist.  Hundreds of families have benefitted from Zara's personal support to unlock the key to a home environment that gives each household member the opportunity to enjoy optimum health.

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Floor finishes: a significant source formaldehyde emissions

As you can see from this table from the California Air Resources Board, toxic floor finishes are one of the most significant sources of formaldehyde emissions.

The good news is, you can significantly reduce your exposure by making informed decisions when choosing your flooring. 

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Healthy Flooring Materials e-course outline

  • Introduction
  • The five pillars of The Healthy Home
  • What is Building Biology?
  • Principles that relate to healthy building materials
  • Overview of the 9 key criteria used to rate materials for their health and environmental impacts

Module 1: Subfloor materials

  • Concrete: advantages, disadvantages, how to reduce risks to air quality and electroclimate, supplier options.

  • Guidelines for concrete moisture testing. 

  • Alternative subfloor material (for second storeys and suspended slabs): pros, cons, Australian suppliers.

  • Low mass subfloor materials:  which will off-gas the least, and be least susceptible to mould? 

Module 2: Flooring

  • Carpets & underlays: health and environmental impacts + healthier alternatives 
  • 9 different flooring materials and installation methods, analysed against their health and environmental impacts.

  • Which floor materials are most suitable for wet areas.

  • Non-toxic floor finishes.

  • Grouts & tile adhesives


  • Health hazards when renovating
  • What to consider beyond building. materials in order to create a healthy home

This information in this e-course is not intended as professional training nor does it replace professional advice when it comes to building material choices, nor is it intended for the treatment or diagnosis of individual diseases or issues.

The generic information that we provide in the e-course materials is not a replacement for specialist advice tailored to your unique circumstances.

While working through the course material, it is very important that you conduct your own research, consult appropriately qualified professionals and make informed decisions about what is right for your particular circumstances.
All final decisions regarding your home 
renovation or build must be subject to approval by a licensed architect or building designer, and builder, who is familiar with statutory requirements to ensure compliance with the Building Code of Australia, National Construction Code and (State) Act standards.

Click here to read the terms and conditions before you enrol. 

Healthy flooring materials course

$297* + GST

*End of financial year offer, price will increase to $349 AUD + GST on 1 July 2024. 
  • 17 materials assessed: in depth analysis & insights
  • Course materials assessed by a Certified Building Biology New Build Consultant
  • Latest research findings and practical advice
  • 4 months access to course content. 
  • Detailed modules on subfloor materials, carpets, hard flooring, and grouts.
  • Exclusive bonuses: insights on health hazards when renovating & additional considerations for a healthy home. 

    Click here to read the terms & conditions before you enrol. 
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"The content and resources within the Healthy Flooring Materials e-course were really helpful and motivated me to know more, as well as reaffirming the why behind some of the decisions I had made.

"It also highlighted hidden nasties on some products I did not realise and helped me understand other impacting factors like moisture, condensation etc which makes me feel empowered knowing I can make better balanced choices to make my home as healthy as possible.
"Knowledge is power. We spend so much time in our homes, even more so since lockdowns and if these places don't make us feel happy and healthy we need to question and rethink what we know. This course sows that seed and empowers you to make better choices in regards to your home."

- Sally